Let history come to life for your kids!

Are you looking for a fun field trip? Bring your kids to Millard's Crossing, where history comes alive. As experiential learning is a key component in understanding and retaining information, your students will not only see structures from the 1800s, but they will also handle artifacts and tools used over a century ago!
Our guides and docents, dressed in historical costumes, will lead them in activities that will help them gain an appreciation for the relative difficulty of the lives of 19th century Texans as compared with their own. Our award-winning tours compliment TAKS or TEKS related learning and will be personalized to the age and interests of your class. Our typical school field trip might include:
Pioneer School
Experience a school lesson in our one-room schoolhouse, where the children will don hats and bonnets as they learn from "cautionary tales" and write lessons with real quill pens.
Children will need to do their "chores" such as drawing water from the well, washing the laundry, rebuilding a fence, push plowing and planting, or shelling and grinding corn. If the children are a little older, they may make rope, help make candles, learn about textiles and natural dyes, make paper, card wool, or make butter from cream.
Pioneer Games
As life in the 19th century was not all work, children will also learn how to make simple toys and play pioneer games! Many old-fashioned toys can be found in our General Store, which is an optional stop on your tour.